Completed in 2005, the three-story crew house for the UW men's and women’s rowing teams was constructed on the site of the former crew house at the end of Babcock Drive along the shore of Lake Mendota. The previous 15,000 square foot crew house, which was built in 1967, was demolished to make way for the new facility.
The 52,000 square foot crew house cost $8.56 million and named in recognition of a contribution of over $1 million toward the facility made by the Ben and Cheslee Porter Family. In addition to the generous gift from the Porter family, many crew letter winners, UW alumni, and friends made gifts to support the project. The building was dedicated prior to the Midwest Rowing Championship on April 22, 2005.
Highlights of the three-level facility include storage space for more than 100 boats and a boat repair bay, historical displays, Donors/Coaches/Rowers Hall of Fame, coaches and staff offices, team locker rooms and a moving water rowing tank for 24.
Wisconsin Athletics thank all those who have helped make the Porter Boathouse possible, and especially the donors who made gifts in support of this project listed here.