There have been few individuals who have impacted a university and state the way Barry Alvarez has throughout his 30-year career at the University of Wisconsin. Alvarez arrived at Wisconsin in 1990 during challenging times. The Athletic Department was running an annual deficit, sports were being discontinued, and there was a record of losing seasons in virtually each of its programs. Alvarez has been the central figure in influencing our Athletics programs into the national leader they are today.
We are fortunate to have celebrated many accomplishments, including National and Conference Championships, Rose Bowls, Final Fours, Frozen Fours, and have created countless memories together. We are thankful for these moments as Badgers.
The impact Alvarez has had on the UW-Madison campus is immeasurable and deems recognition at the highest level. The “Honoring Alvarez” campaign built upon the foundation Alvarez laid to ensure future success for the Badgers and provides an opportunity to say “Thank you Barry, job well done.”
Our campaign goal of $15 million was met!